New Patient Registration Form

Client / Owner Information
Please give us the best phone numbers to reach you (in order of importance)
Pet Information
Is your pet microchipped?
Has your pet had any previous vaccine reactions?

ZPH maintains an internet presence for purposes including marketing and client education. Part of this presence includes photographs of our practice and its daily workings. Therefore, we may be interested in using images of your pet(s) and/or family as part of the effort to maintain, expand, and educate the public about our business and services, as well as include clients in every aspect of our practice. We may also use case information for purposes such as teaching, continuing education, website usage, and/or literature. I authorize the release of case/patient information for such purposes while patient confidentiality (names withheld) will be maintained.

Select one below:

I, the owner or authorized agent, understand that this Treatment Authorization & Information/Photo release form will remain in effect indefinitely for the duration of my pet’s Veterinary present and future care at Zia Pet Hospital. I can notify ZPH at any time and update the form, but THE OWNER MUST BE PRESENT.

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